segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2018

After-postmodern Watch

     Watchmaking was a very interesting activity for centuries. It was a special kind of art and a technical ability.
     The now old watch worked with the “fingers energy”.
     The postmodern watch became something that needed a “battery”.
     In human progress and evolution, many times we lose something to get something.
   The change from fingers to battery was progress by one side, but a continuous expense for battery production by other side. 
    At the same time, we lost the tic tac sound and that old contact with the watchmaker.
    In after-postmodern times it does not seem that the old watch will make a comeback.
     At same time we have other “watches”, computerized watches, mobile watches…
     Maybe even the time changed, not just the times…
    We live in transitional times, and we are still learning to deal with a new time in new times…

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