sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

The pandemic and the end of postmodern paradigms

     The postmodern times, between 1950 and 2001, had its paradigms: pragmatism, efficiency, bilateralism (and in the nineties, ‘unilateralism’), results. What was out of those, was less important, maybe secondary, or tertiary. Even ethics was submitted to all these things.

     After two decades of several problems we culminate with this “pandemic”. The pandemic was and is a kind of terrifying surprise for the supposed “power of science”. Everything must be reorganized in some way that we do not know yet. For while, it seems better than the Spanish Flue, but someone warns us that this is only the “tip of the iceberg”. It means that the real problem is the global warming and the invasion of the wild environment.

     Anyway, after these two decades of transition, it seems that the really “after-postmodern” times are coming. There are other names for this time: “post-postmodern”, “hypermodern”, etc. As we can see in history, the edge between the eras is not a dot, or a line. It is a blurry region where we can see factors of a period that is ending, and factors of another period that is coming.

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