domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017

Singularity and After-postmodern

Singularity is a word that is used in some ways not exactly with the same meaning.
In Medicine we can use Singularity to mean that we try to see each paciente with its individual characteristics. Other way in Medicine to use this word is to refer to the individual genetic code. Another way is to mix the both.
In Transhumanism, the word Singularity is connected to the individuality, but in a sense of the possibility of changes in the body, whenever necessary to keep alive, without limits. What can be asked about it is: where is the “subjectivity”? All those changes that happen are objective changes, not subjective.
In the 1980s the french philosopher Guattari was worried about “the end of subjectivity” in the West Culture.
Nowadays, in After-postmodern times, Subjectivity is coming back, because Objectivity is not enough to find and keep a meaning for life.
And we are trying to find the singularity of subjectivity.

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