quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Pendulum of History - The End of Efficiency

Pendulum of History – The End of Efficiency

History can be seen as a linear process, and also as a cyclical process. The both together can build an image of a time vortex.
So, on the timeline, History has a kind of a pendular carachteristic.
Day after day, more and more we feel that the world is probably in a big transition.
But between ten and twenty years ago many people thought so.
“Globalization” was the name of the supposed transition.
After the falling of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it was an optimistic vision of the apparent “victory” of Capitalism and the international economy sang a unisonous song of the globalization as “salvation of the world”.
But some people perceived that something was going wrong and the anti-globalization movement started in 1999. Anyway, until 2008, most part of governments stood for free market and globalization of economy.
We must say that this comment is not left wing, or wright wing, or “any wing”...
We think that more than “polarities” we must see “complexity”. To better understand our times we can look to the “after postmodernity” by the thinking of Edgar Morin, Basarab Nicolaesko, Boaventura de Souza Santos and others that talk about complexity.
In terms of pendular history, you can choose what extension of period you want: million years, thousands, hundreds, or less.
We will continue the next text from here.   

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