Mirko Grmek,
a physician, and historian elaborated the concept of pathocenosis as a category
to include in disease not just the biological factors but also social,
economic, ecological, political, cultural factors. We can include historical
and epidemiological factors because several epidemics are probably linked in a
timing sequence through decades or even centuries. The virus changes or becomes
indetectable depending on the conditions, but it can resurge in new ways. Or
even can be competition among viruses, and under environmental and other
states, it can reappear. Or even under "new old conditions," a new
virus can gain the human environment.
In any of
these situations, the pathocenosis concept can be applied. Grmek initiated this
concept in 1969. It developed those years after. Now, in after-postmodern
times, maybe it is the time to accept and assume those ideas. In other words,
the diseases are not caused only by microbial agents but also by the action of