When James K.
Galbreith wrote about “the end of normal” he was not talking about some kinds
of “normal” that we can find in several discussions, mainly in Humanities. We
can see, for example, in the book of the French physician and philosopher Georges
Canguilhem, “On The Normal and the Pathological”, a discussion about the concept
of “normal” under biological conditions and studies of the constrution of
medical knowledge. In a general way, what is “normal” in one culture, can have
a diferent meaning in other culture, and so on.
The “end of normal”
for Galbreith is the end of the paradigm that says that the world economy can
grow on and on, under a traditional concept of progress. Now we have to put in
this equation the factor “resource” and “sustainability”. In postmodern times,
this was a kind of dream, although the environmental movement was already present.
So, the pragmatism of industrial,technical,etc development need to change in After-postmodern era. Maybe it is even a new kind of pragmatism dictated by the necessity of Mankind’s