sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2017

“Slow Medicine Movement” and After-postmodern

The standard of modern university was the University of Berlin founded in 1810 by Wilheim Humbolt. At this institution, for the first time the laboratory, that was inside Academies and outside the universities, started to be together with the traditional faculties. The Modern University had the ideal to make the “cultural person” and this model spread around the world.
After the Second World War, with the beginning of the Postmodern Era, the University became also “postmodern”. So, pragmatism, production, results, were the main objective of the university and not the “cultural person”.
Together with these two movements in history, the Medical Thinking and Medical Attitude had also two patterns. In the Modern Period, from 1800 to 1950, the Medicine was also idealistic, humanistic. In the postmodern era it became pragmatic, reductionist, dehumanized...
We are in a time of “macro shift” as Erwin Lazlo said. The first decade of the Millenium started with a time of transition, as we saw with the tragedy of 2001 and the crises of 2008. The model of postmodern times is exhausted. It does not work as before, even still working a little for while, as a transition goes...
We are in a after-postmodern era, with new paradigms arising. So, the postmodern model of medicine is changing. The Slow Medicine Movement is a sign of a new way of teaching and pratice of medicine. In some way is a return to the medicine of modern period; in another way is a new pattern to deal and understand the technical progress of medicine.