Probably the first “Globalization” in
History was that one by Alexander the Great, in fourth century B.C., when he spread
the Hellenic Culture. After that, there were several others.
So, the first Globalization is not that of
the end of the 20th century, and is not the last… In that occasion,
people used to think that the “glamourized Globalization” was the solution for
everything. But, after 1999 several movements against it appeared.
Fifteen years ago, Stiglitz wrote about “Globalization
and its Discontents”, focusing on the growing opposition to globalization in
developing countries. Recently he wrote in the “Project Syndicate” that this
opposition spread to other groups of countries, even the developed ones.
Through the article he explains this kind of thing by many arguments and citing
other authors.
Anyway, we can see that something is not
working in matter of that kind of Globalization. At same time we can also see
that internet is also a kind of globalization that is working and improving its
functions in society. There are also other globalizations working, even in
economy, but maybe not under the “Globalization” flag…
Maybe the word Globalization must be replaced
by another one, or it is not working anymore because we are living in an
after-postmodern time, when we can make the questions: Which globalization we
want? Which globalization we need? Which globalization is possible?