domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2016

Is there an exit from the “exits”?

     Nowadays the so fashioned globalization of de postmodern acme in the end of the 20th century is under the strength of the unavoidable pendulum of history. Potentially there are several “exits” from the pattern of that kind of globalization, although it is not sure that all of them are going to happen. But, anyway it is a sign that big changes are coming. 
     Several factors are causing this situation. One is that people are, in some way, losing their roots, the binding to their collective archetypes. If the politicians do not understand it, they will find harder times to deal with important issues. So, it is a question of “meaning”. After the World Wars there was meaning for sacrifice. What are the “new meanings”? 
     Another condition is the answer to the question that the communities ask? “Who and what” we are? That “globalization” brought business and technology to the human communities, but what about their deep values and the “subjective belongings”? 
     Another problem is “subjectivity” itself, and together with it, the “intersubjectivity”. Where are gone the cultural “intersubjectivity” of people. Could the “objectivity” of postmodernity supply the absence of subjectivity?
     Until the politicians understand those issues, the desires for “exits” can come again and again. At same time people have the feeling that they need to find an exit from the “exits”, in a kind of a “third way” under new paradigms.  

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2016

Post-globalization and after-postmodern

The incensed globalization of the end of the 20th century does not work anymore. And it is not by the movements against it, but by its own exhaustion…
The history has strange strengths and ways that surprises even scholars…
In the after-postmodern period the bridges are not the same, the fences are not the same, and the walls are not the same, even if they apparently are. In true, nobody can tell what is coming. We try to understand the present and future by the past, but this is not always possible. The pendulum of history can bring new paradigms different of the old ones.
It does not mean new wars, but maybe new ways to make peace.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016

Techno-optimism, techno-pessimism and after-postmodern times

     We can read at “The Economist” about optimism and pessimism surrounding the Technology of Information. The article cites more pessimists as Robert Gordon, for whom the strong industrial revolution was “the second”, with electricity, cars and planes, or Fredrick Erixon and Bjorn Weigel, authors of “The Inovation of Illusion”, that say about the capitalism growing old. All those arguments are reinforced by the weak productivity.
     The optimists say that the statistics are wrong and not getting the real numbers of internet business; they also say that the new revolution is just beginning.
     That controversy is another demonstration of the after-postmodern times: the pragmatism and certainty of post-modern era are not anymore present. New paradigms are coming, but we are not sure about what are them.
     Anyway, the cybernetic innovation brought a new level for democracy never seen before. We can see all around the world people of almost all economic condition getting information about anything.
   Maybe the new challenge is to end starvation together with giving information to everyone in the world.

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2016

Which globalization ? – part 2

     In the end of the 20th century most people were secure of a new order under the so called “globalization”. It was mainly an economic globalization, although others globalizations were on the way, as, for example, the internet, the media, etc.
     Now, that we are in after-postmodern times, maybe there are several “Brexits” coming to that cited order, not just for the E.U…
     But, probably, “new globalizations” are coming, but maybe with other names to characterize what kind of trade is going to be, including all the new connections among people and organizations.  

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2016

Which Globalization?

     Probably the first “Globalization” in History was that one by Alexander the Great, in fourth century B.C., when he spread the Hellenic Culture. After that, there were several others.
     So, the first Globalization is not that of the end of the 20th century, and is not the last… In that occasion, people used to think that the “glamourized Globalization” was the solution for everything. But, after 1999 several movements against it appeared.
     Fifteen years ago, Stiglitz wrote about “Globalization and its Discontents”, focusing on the growing opposition to globalization in developing countries. Recently he wrote in the “Project Syndicate” that this opposition spread to other groups of countries, even the developed ones. Through the article he explains this kind of thing by many arguments and citing other authors.
     Anyway, we can see that something is not working in matter of that kind of Globalization. At same time we can also see that internet is also a kind of globalization that is working and improving its functions in society. There are also other globalizations working, even in economy, but maybe not under the “Globalization” flag…
     Maybe the word Globalization must be replaced by another one, or it is not working anymore because we are living in an after-postmodern time, when we can make the questions: Which globalization we want? Which globalization we need? Which globalization is possible?

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016

Crises, archetypes and after-postmodern...

     Historical crises are moments for archetype strengths to emerge.
     Archetypes are Jungian concepts that he got from the philosopher Plato about the supposed perfect ideas of things in an ideal world out from this one.
     For Carl Gustav Jung archetypes are psychological potentialities that everyone has to develop and live with building his own self. One common example is “the hero archetype” very studied by the anthropologist Joseph Campbell. Every human culture has heroes that help each one to develop certain characteristics of personality to face the problems of life.
     Since the last period of postmodern era, several people and nations were compelled by the rise of ancient and communal archetypes after the beginning of the most recent “globalization”.
    Nowadays it happens again in different directions and targets. Some nations want to be “more isolated”, some others want to bind to others, and so on…
   In after-postmodern times they are trying to find their own historical and cultural identities, individually and in common with their own people.
     There is no simple answer to this quest…     

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016

"Multi, Inter, Trans-lateralism" and after-postmodern times

     From time to time the associations of countries in the world follow some logic of coalitions that are determined by affinities of objectives by one side, and looking for some kind of strength against real or in some way symbolic “enemies”. But, in after-postmodern times, at same time that all of these factors are in the game, it seems that there are several types of “channels, nets, grids”, alliances following Complexity.
     Complexity Philosophy started in Postmodernity or even in Modern Times; however its application was something distant from reality or strange. Nevertheless, the translogical thinking of after-postmodern times is finding its own space after the weakness of old efficiencies.
     Nowadays the link among countries is not only under multilateralism, but also under “interlateralism” or even a “translateralism”. Transversal connections are crossing nations and building “cross-culturalities” in a similar way to interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.         

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

Panama Papers and after-postmodern journalism

The investigative journalism focusing on the Panama Papers is a kind of after-postmodern journalism with more than 300 professionals around the world in a new kind of globalization, a globalization of transparency, a new step focusing on human values. Even discussions about “legal and illegal” things is part of a new after-postmodern exercise of citizenship.  

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

Are “Panama Papers” signs of “Macroshift” and “After-Postmodern” Era?

The things now named as “Panama Papers” maybe were “normal”, or “regular”, or “not so important” in postmodern times when “pragmatism, efficiency and results” were the more important criteria of values. So, something has happened in the beginning of the 21st Century that is difficult to know exactly, but it seems an irreversible wave: the pendulum of history…
Among several crisis that show the end of old efficiencies, “Panama Papers” constitute a phenomena that has a kind of unpredictable “butterfly effect” over a once dreamt kind of globalization at the end of the 20th century…

domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Crisis or not crisis: the big picture is the “Macroshift”

Professor Nouriel Roubini has written in the “Project Syndicate” about seven reasons for economic difficulties in 2016, although he does not agree that the 2008 crisis is back. 
If we look to all the historic events that happened since 2008, maybe we can recognize connections among several factors in many different countries in a way that we can use the Ervin Laszlo concept of “Macroshift”. 
Oil, sustainability, wars, stock markets, etc., all those things are showing that postmodern period of history is ending, or is even just past. 
What “after-postmodern era” means, we are still trying to understand, maybe we are more in a kind of transition "inside the Macroshift" than properly in a new era.