When wrote about "ecosophy" the philosopher Felix Guattari used the therm "singularity" to mean something very connected to the inner part of each person to achieve a balanced level among someone's subjectivity, the community and the nature. It is a concept that implies human respect and recovery of mankind in the subjective aspects of each human being.
In the end of 20th and beginning of 21th century "singularity" became a kind of an "almost sci fi concept" about the human being achieving some kind of "transhuman condition", made by technology, under circumstances where doens't matter how much humanity could be lost: the aim is to achieve some kind of "imortality". But could it be a kind of a imortality of a "not anymore human being"...
This "transhumanity" is different of that used by Basarab Nicolaescu when he meant a kind of "transcultural condition".
So, maybe the "singularity" of the "almost sci fi human being" could mean some "dehumanized human being"?
At the same time that more than 1 billion people are starving and more than that has obesity, what of the two singularities could be more useful to humankind?
Metaphorically, the "Bicentennial Man" (the movie) chose to be human instead of to be immortal...
Now, when the efficiency of postmodern is weak, and the humankind is searching for meaning of life, maybe we could remember the singularity of Guattari...
We know that the technology of that "postmodern singularity" could bring some benefits to human life, but it is important that we do not forget the "singularity" of each human being in the world...