The international economic crisis is bigger
than just “economic”. It is also a crisis of the way to see life and to see the
Under Thomas Kuhn we could say that it is a
crisis of paradigms; not only economic paradigms, but also an indication of
changes in paradigms of science, knowledge, living and all aspects of human
life and as we see life in general on earth.
The postmodern formula to solve all questions
and problems doesn’t work anymore as it worked before...
So, economy, knowledge, science, living, arts,
sports, etc., must open itselves to each other, and this time maybe Arts could
show the way...
It is necessary “creativity” to solve the
problems. Creativity is between austerity and liberality. To improve creativity
in all professions it is possible to use Arts.
The experts could stop for a moment and hear a
symphony, read classics, admire paintings, or even listen the opinion of the
artists. They have a special feeling of what is going on in the world.
Arts can be also a calling for Ethics.
When we are immersed in our own speciality,
sometimes we are blind for all the variables in each situation.
In Postmodern period, to be a workaholic could
be something desireble, commendable, a way to success.
Now, in after-Postmodern it is not enough, it
is not efficient, it is not necessary.
Maybe it is better for all not work too much
and let some room for unemployed people to divide time and space with us.
Maybe if the profits become a little less, more
people can start to have some profit too...
We could take a look to the writings of some wise man like Arne Naess and his
recomendations for better life and living, suggesting to cultivate peace, to
have time not only for work, but also for enjoy the nature, the Arts, and sports.
What Arne Naess named for himself Ecosophy T,
he says that each one could find his or her own Ecosophy A, or B, or C, etc.,
respecting nature and culture of each human community.
In Postmodern, everything had to be in a hurry.
In after-Postmodern, this way doesn’t work. We must take time and recover some
capabilities that our ancestors had.
We lost some kind of wisdom of the Gothic
Cultur in Middle Ages. We can see in their sculptures that they are smiling, we
can see in that huge buildings some kind of strengh... At same time we know
that they had several feast days...
We must recover the value of pause...